The original Gladiator debuted nearly 25 years ago and won five Oscars, including Best Picture. Now, director Ridley Scott returns to ancient Rome with the long-awaited sequel, “Gladiator II” Which hits theaters on Friday.
Movie stars Denzel Washington, Connie Nielsenand Pedro Pascal In a story set in the same brutal Roman Empire, one that has not left Scott’s mind in the years since its first release.
“Well, since Gladiator, I’ve made 17 big films. I’ve been very busy,” Scott said.
But he admitted, “During that period, I kept thinking, ‘Well, we should do Gladiator II.'”
A new hero in the arena
Scott offers a new look at the same empire that fans of the first film loved.
In the original film, Russell Crowe played Maximus, a general turned gladiator fighting for honor. This time, the spotlight is on the Irish actor Paul MescalWho plays the role of a slave fighting for his freedom in the same empire.
Scott, who studied art before becoming a film director, began drafting storyboards for the sequel before the script was completed.
“I actually think…the pictures. I draw as (the writer) writes. So when I got on set, I had everything planned out in advance,” Scott said. “It’s very efficient because we shot Gladiator in 51 days.”
Part Two begins with an ambitious attack scene involving three Roman galleons.
“I will make three real, full-sized ships,” Scott said, explaining how they were mounted on massive industrial engines. “Each cart is about 100 feet long.”
While Scott embraces old-school filmmaking, he’s also passionate about modern tools like CGI.
While Gladiator II features exciting battles, Scott says the film also explores timeless themes and reflects on the constants of human nature, cruelty and violence.
“It reminds you that Rome would have let Christians into that arena and eat them alive. Men, women and children – for fun,” he said. “What was going through the Romans’ minds at that particular point? Are we very close to that? It is extraordinary that this is still happening. We do not learn from history.”
The challenge of a sequel
At the age of 86, Scott admitted that it was difficult to follow up on his original masterpiece. “In a funny way, I feel like I’m in a sport. It’s competitive,” he said. “You’re fighting yourself and your fear and your insecurities.”
When Scott was asked about his favorite part of the movie, he said, “I think I’m relieved that it’s been embraced to that degree. So that’s my favorite part of the whole movie. It’s so good.”
Gladiator II is distributed by Paramount Pictures, part of CBS News’ parent company, Paramount Global. “Gladiator II” hits theaters on Friday, November 22.