When NBA team is about to play a capital game, even in the regular season, it is not uncommon for their legends to bring support from the stands. It is a little rarer, however, so that the legend of someone else comes in your building to do it, and it is almost unknown for the legend of someone else to come in your building to Do it while he was a big rival during his own days of play and remains employed by his former team.
But the Luka Donic Trade was unprecedented in almost all other respects, so why not break another workbench Nba standard?
When Donic did its Los Angeles Lakers make your debut on Monday against the Utah jazz,, Dallas Mavericks The Dirk Nowitzki icon was present to support it.
Nowitzki and Doncouic overlapped for a season in Dallas, with the last season of Nowitzki in the 2018-19 campaign, when Dononic won the recruit of the year.
Doncic almost immediately took Nowitzki’s stick as the face of the Mavericks retired from Dirk, and he received a lot of support from his former teammate. All the way back in 2021, Nowitzki said that Donic was already better than it had ever been, and now was a Nba MVP which is widely considered as one of the greatest players in the history of the League. About at the same time, the Mavericks hiring Nowitzki as a special team advisor, a role he still occupies to date.
Mark Williams Trade canceled: which then comes for the Lakers on the buyout market and during the off -season
Sam Quinn

However, he was in Los Angeles for the Grande Evening of Donic on Monday, supporting the former teammate who lost the chance to replace him possibly as the greatest maid of all time.
Ironically, the owner of the Mavericks, Patrick Dumont – probably involuntarily – took a blow to Nowitzki by omission on Sunday in the publication of his First public comments On the trade Dononic. By describing the kind of players he wanted in Dallas, he named a number of legends of the League which, according to him, built the kind of culture he is looking for. Among them were Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Larry Bird and Shaquille O’Neal, but not now.
Nowitzki is a Dallas legend, but he is also a giant in the history of the NBA as a whole. Next season, he will become an important voice in the media as a member of Amazon’s new studio. The first Doncic match as a laker is an important moment in the history of the NBA, and it is a chance for the moment to support a player with whom he shares a relationship through these links of Mavericks, so despite The unusual nature of the legend of another team presenting itself to a big match, Nowitzki was one of the many celebrities present when the Lakers face jazz on Monday.
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