The fires that destroyed southern California last month turned many of Malibu’s most ashes. But some, like the legendary Shangri-La Studios, still exists. Over the years, Shangri-La has been used by some of the biggest names in the field of music, such as Eric Kalpeon and Adela. But it is also known as the house that Bob Dylan built. Even the old bus, the legend was used, by Dylan on a tour.
Dylan until she hangs over the grass. Actor Edward Norton said: “I actually think that it is in the biography of Kalpeon that there was a period in which Dylan was a tent in the garden of roses here,” said actor Edward Norton.
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For him, this is a holy land – and in some way, as well as its last role. In “A Unknown Complete”, the Pete Seeger folk music legend, where she plays in front of Timothhée Chaalamet in the role of young Bob Dylan.
Norton says the playing of the music legend like Seeger was sublime and terrifying. “I think every actor, part of ‘Em wants to be a rock star, do you know?” He said. I think every actor carries the dream somewhat. I mean, I started crying in the idea of that, because I was tense about it. I was tense from the entire institution. Because I thought that the idea of a CV about Dylan – if I just said, you are, like, Oh, like, I am not sure. “Lee caused it to have a legendary place inside me, and I thought this might really be a really bad idea.”
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Here is just one of the challenges: Beit Seger was a prominent player in the banjo, so Norton had to become one too, and Banjo was difficult to learn.
I said, “We had an interview with Steve Martin, played the banjo for us, and watching him playing the role of banjo, I mean, he is very complicated and is very fast.”
“Yes, I made the joke that you were Google, as you know,” Is there an Amnesty International that can replace my hands with Steve Martin? “Norton laughed.” Or, as you know, this thing you put your arms behind your back and Steve Martin puts his hands under the armpits and is playing for me? What I do not say is no What happened, do you know? He – she may Hold. who knows? “
In the final movie, his game appears authentic, because:
This authenticity is something that Norton has always done, starting with his first role in the movie, as a fighter in the movie “Primal Fear” in 1996. Norton, who grew up in Maryland, cultivated a real Apalashian tone to the point that people thought he was already from Kentucky, and finished With his first Academy Award nomination. Three years later, he was fighting with Brad Pitt in the movie “Fight Club”, a movie that is now integrated into our culture.
Although she has a great follower now, he was not successful when he was released. “No, not at all,” Norton said. “The polarization was. I would like to say, there were those who had never struck them in the midst of their feelings. Then there were people who fully believed that the garbage was – they encouraged it.”
In fact, it was formulated at the Venice Film Festival. But this did not bother Norton, or his co -star, a house. “When the credits were rolled, Brad looked at me in the dark crying, and said:” This is the best movie we will be. “I said,” I also, and I also think so. ” Do you know what I mean?
Norton has left his great flag flying in more than 40 films, such as the moderate police chief at “The Grand Budapest Hotel”. The Broadway Actor, who was driven by the ego in “Berdeman”; The weird billionaire part of the “glass onion” was called.
Watching it on the screen, it is difficult to believe that Norton was once said that he had nothing to make to make it as an actor. There was once the director of the actors told him, “Look for another profession.”
“Yes, I had one of these, like, someone sitting and saying:” You must do something else, “he said. One of the one you hope to get it in front of. But look, if you do not collide a moment as people put some of the primary uncertainty around you (about) the path you have chosen, and you cannot pay, it is possible that you are no He belongs to.
There is no doubt that he belongs to all this: Norton has an Oscar nomination in every contract of his career, and he is now running for his work in a “complete unknown”. But he says, for him, it is not about prizes or money, but rather the opportunity to direct greatness.
He said: “If their frequency is directed, people apparently focus on it when people were using the talents that had more ideas and values that were greater than themselves, this is what makes it worth doing. Can we get people to re -engage with The idea of artists and inspiring them as agents of change?
And whether Edward Norton is a pure artist, or just a really great actor, it is easy to believe.
Exclusive Web: Watch an extended interview with Edward Norton
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A story produced by John de Amelio. Editor: Remington Corber.