Flights to a far galaxy, aside away, was the career of Desci Ridley recently based on projects from all standards. From the humble and entertaining local excitement “Magpie” to the emotional office “sometimes I think of death” and the inspiring sports film “Gonan and the Sea”, the movie “The Wide Ridley” was built recently on its special conditions extending through the biting and classic family alike and the classic family alike. .
With the director’s “cleanser” and veteran James Bond Martin Campbell, Ridley also expanded its ammunition with the old dust and pressure, hanging from the glass interface of a skyscraper to give both Tom Cruise Ethan Hunt and Pruss Willis John McLein to run for their money. In fairness, the small pleasures of the “cleaned” paint are not approaching from a distance to anything “this dies” or the “Mission: impossible” excellent that it can offer. But the presence of the muscular Redley as a heroic hero stuck on an unreliable scaffold, it is so absorbed that it can only be rooted-both Ridley, who seems to have a huge amount of B-Movie’s pleasure here, and here she has the Headstrong Joey character, the cleaner in question.
The film creates a good amount by her before Joy finds that she swings near the Canada Square summit in London, one of the tallest buildings in the UK for beginners, and has a nervous brother, Michael (Matthew Talk), who is about to be expelled from the home of his care For the exact miscalculation of behavior to Joy. I got a window cleaning party that is already late, and the last thing you need is to make her accompany Michael to work. But this is exactly what you will need to do to manage the crisis, which seems to be part of its involuntary routine.
By building the character of the screenwriter Simon Outli, we learn that Michael’s care fell to Joy before they grew up in a neglected house – a responsibility in which she has not always moved well. However, the difficulties of her childhood made Joy a flexible person in more than one way – both physically, when she was forced to infiltrate their home (in a short part, Poppy Townsund is great like young Joey), emotionally, having to adapt to dramatic fluctuations in her life On a daily basis. In addition, it is a precedent of military, with rocky solid endurance.
In other words, in the absence of John McLean, Joy is exactly the type of person you want as an external ally and see whether your building has been invaded by terrorists who take hundreds of hostages to implement their evil plan. In “Cleaner”, extremists who attack the power company that is appointed by Windows Joey to clean themselves call themselves “Earth Revolution”, and entered the building under the guise of the convincing dancers who were appointed to perform at the company’s party. The group of environmental terrorism has two polar leaders. On the most human side, Marcus is in his head (Clav Owen, with a very short time on the screen), which shows this to expose environmental errors at Evil Corporation to the public. The other leader, Noah (Taz Skylar), is not a noble in his goal: he is to kill despite Marcus’s protests.
There is a strangely delighted thing about a movie that tends to have some basic work machines, cheese-wicked, bad guys, founding hostages, Rouge-hero-etc. But this conspiracy still seems to be a miscalculation due to an UTTLEY error in the indiscriminate of environmental concerns in the story. Despite the scenario insisting on making Noah Baddi a deadly evil, it can be said that the Earth’s revolution has a correct point from the company they target on this side of the twenty -first century. As such, you can only wonder whether the film has gained something if it had been overthrown by his misleading and paper attempt to address environmental terrorism, and the bad guys made anything else other than the advocates of environmental protection who do not promote their cause the right path.
What he lacks objectively, compensates “Cleaner” by treating Campbell with dealing with materials, as a person who directed the likes of “Goldneye”, “The Mask of Zorro” and “Casino Royale” in the past. Although there is nothing sudden or new here, being in the hands of a capable work manager provides some popcorn. And Ridley is more than just a game for every challenge that was thrown through the largely designed fighting sequences and more moments, just as you participate with a competent policeman. While the depth of their ally does not feel ratified, Gemmell and Ridley are doing their best to sell it as part of the Campbell action group.
In the end, the main attraction is Ridley, which cannot be missed from the intention of charisma and charisma on a screen of any size. The power is strong with it.