Two decades ago, in 2006, the team in Shortz International changed one of the main Academy Awards, as he received the rights to issue all the five final contestants in the short Oscars category on the big screen and all the devices largely, from laptops to mobile phones. Ergo, the “2025 Oscar Moving Films: Animation” package is now in the company’s twentieth edition. At that time, Carter Bilcher and his crew enabled the theatrical release of 99 parties in animation (Rights Security for all “9” of Acker in their first year). This year’s program is somewhat unique in that there are no shiny competitors in Hollywood in this mix, making a wide scan of what independent artists do with the medium at the present time.
The closest thing to the studio is submitted by Daisuke Nishio, which was made for Toei Animation (the company behind the “One Piece” and “Dragon Ball” privileges), although there is no error in the personal touch. It is designed and harassed to look like it stopped, but it was already made using CGI, the 21-minute short-minute focuses on a solid child called Dong-Dong. After purchasing a bag of bright colored sweets, the boy discovers that each of the desserts allows him to do a new way to communicate with a different person in his worn-sofa life in his apartment, Dong-Dong dogs that are misunderstood by Gusuri, and his hard-working father-but only with the treatment of sugar in his mouth. It tells the humor and a large scale of the well -obtained emotion, the short has a tendency to clarify what is happening on the screen, although this should make it more effective for the small fans that Nisio tries to reach (while the nomination allows him to cross the borders and touch the old Americans enough for sub -reading).
After that, the Iranian participating managers Sherine Suhani and Hsin Molimi, the amazing 2D short 2D “under” cypress “takes a difficult extreme topic-the effect of post-traumatic disorder-and tries to communicate how he works on the audience of all ages. A young woman lives on the sea with her father, who is about the war, who finds it difficult to deal with today’s problems-such as the whale that washed to the beach-because it is still inhabited by violent visions of the past. Like the title of the English Poetic Language, the metaphorical story can be somewhat confusing the interpretation sometimes, but it looks amazing with its line -free style. The two letters are formed like long candles, with long, slim weapons and simplified facial expressions. Because they do not speak, it is up to us to dismantle how a bombing boat indicates the worst memories of a man of war and what he should do to liberate himself from that shock.
On the contrary, the French director Loïc Espche “Yuck!” It cannot be more clear-or original-in the way he transmits an idea that can be recognized globally: even a certain age, children can barely stand to see the adult kiss. The short and shameful short article is held in a summer camp, where Léo and its friends are surrounded by adults who wore thinking, who monitors it like amateur anthropologists, laughing behind the bush while the motivation to Smoch glows with the other lips. This simple idea, represented in the representation of the desire that was once congestion in lower lips with such obvious visual terms, is well suited to the enforcement method (and doubled as borrowing of other lower -rating love forms G). While Leo and his colleagues are nervously mocking the diving around them, the boy faces difficulty reconciling his feelings with a girl named Lucy, who makes his lips shine like Neon Flamingo. You can guess where this goes, however, Espche packed a lot of smiles and surprises in 13 minutes, and you will get the sparkling pink eyes flexible with pleasure.
The last two shorts come with a warning “parents’ guidelines “, as two of the characters of stopping the movement without pants appear … although they see unusually careful careers to accommodate young viewers of something harmless like” nudity “? However, “Wander to Wonder”, which lasted for 14 minutes from Nina Gantz, offers such twisted TV programs as “Misster Rogers’ and” Captain Kangaroo “to the extent that there is an issue that must be made to spare children after you wander in the Three Traphans program adding a human show. For admiration, through its concept, which pushes the absurdity that was seen in “SASQUATCH SUNSET” last year to the maximum levels of Brechtian (reflected in reactionary touches such as color bleeding and interference lines applied to the “specific video of” video. Vermin begins to invade the studio – a very frightening idea (but hip), you hope that the academy has seen genius in “choosing Robin” seven years ago.
Nicolas Keppens brings a more consolidated butnament but continuously to the “beautiful men”, which takes color signals from Misty Dutch Master, Edward Hopper (with his only characters in empty rooms) and “Anomalisa”. He notes the 19 -minute short short -off brothers, who had a vibrant long red hair. Now in middle age, they are all hunting, so the trio travels to Istanbul to plant hair – except, they accidentally booked only one. How do you decide which of these compassionate characters, you will get the restoration of his dull man? The film was placed during the epidemic, with characters who wear facial factors and do their best to the social distance, and contains a strange feeling, and promotes the feeling that each of the feeling of both men erodes itself. Kepens usually works in the style of “King of the Hill”-like his hand-painted style, but his decision to work with 3D characters in this project takes matters to a more loving place. Finally, this 90 -minute group of this year makes the emotional journey completely.