Review “Bob Trevino” Review: an independent jewel of four Hanks – Blogging Sole

Once from time to time, you see an actor who has not been detained by the decor that rules even most good actors. Its emotions do not remain in the choice – it leaks over both sides. When this happens, you may find yourself connected to this actor in a way that avoids your feelings buried in the light. For me, the golden standard for this type of acting is Chloe Web’s performance in “SID and Nance” (1986). Webb played the role of Nancy Spongen as a selfish and unprecedented group of shyness, with crying (“C-IID!”) That can scare the cursed. However, part of the character’s mental illness is that it has no limits; All of them felt torn. Her pain and anger, and her desire to be encrypted and loved it all declared herself with the purity of the angry villain. Break the webb, the eardrum and your heart at the same time. She gave one of the greatest shows in the history of the movie.

I do not say that what Barbie Ferrera is doing in “Bob Trevino loves her” at this level. However, there are moments when the unlimited Ferreira quality reminded me of the damaged longing of Chloe Webb; This is the way to touch the audience directly.

Ferrera, who is famous for photographing Cat Hernandez in the first two seasons of “Ecstasy”, Lily Trevino, who lives in a small town in northern Kentucky, where she was a friendly jacket and her 25 -year -old. Really, although it is a basket issue. The film opens by discovering that her boyfriend deceived her. He sends her a text after Hookup by mistake, and she writes her number of my number … just to erase the text and send a “nice” message with an emotional smile instead. This tells us a lot about Laila. It is a satisfactory people, to the extent that it denies its entity. An early scene where dinner with her father, Bob smiled Bob (French Stewart), who lives in the mobile retirement community at home, makes us believe that it is a kind of thorny “magic”. But we do not see half of it.

She is still suffering from her disintegration, wandering a night in a clinic for a participation session with a training consultant, and she escapes from her life story. It is so hard that the counselor (Angel Moore) ends in tears. This is one of the only moments of the movie “strange comedy”. However, it is still a great scene of the issue that Layla puts her story-how her mother and drug addiction abandoned her when she was four years old, and how her father did things like her in a 24-hour room, which always indicates this she The problem was. But Lily said, “Despite what my father says, I am sure that he is not completely wrong.” She believes her mistake at all reveals how people can get out of the family’s psychological positions with their full sense of reality.

As an actor, Ferreira has an instinct for comic shading. It makes a night as a charisma has gone on its sunny surface like Jack Black. However, the Ferreira performance key is that it never uses comedy as a crutch. It shows us, at every turn, a woman buried under the decorations of gentle compulsive girls, and a woman who cannot see herself.

She agrees to accompany her father on one of his dates, and this is the place where we really throw on whom it is: Narayst, south of Gennman, with cheap strange tendencies. French actor Stewart makes him very complicated in his bullying. When Laila’s sabotage (or perhaps unconscious) history, the inner Bob monster comes out. He no longer wants anything with her. While we can see what is sick, the most ridiculous thing is how to leave this on his own Laila. She works as a living health assistant for Dafni (Lauren “Lulu Spencer), which has progressive muscle atrophy, and the function allows her to reach a lot, but regardless of this professional relationship she has no one. Ferrera allows us to feel the teacher gnaw From that isolation.

For this reason, Lily does a little bit, in its childish way, completely logical as well. She goes on Facebook and randomly diversified in her father: Bob Trevino. A handful of other Bob Trevinus comes. You are attracted to the person without a picture and sends him a Hi-HOW-ERE-Ya message, asking if the two may be linked in one way or another. She communicates with a completely strange person. Because she persuaded herself in some way maybe This other person is called Bob Trevino … it can be … a kind of … like her father.

The other Bob, which John Leguzamo plays, is the same alone, so without a good reason he clicks “I like” her message. Slowly, in principle, the two begin to agree. He revealed who they are. Even, finally, they meet. This happens automatically, when you wrestle with a toilet overflowing and comes to help. It ends up buying a set of home tools.

Bob lives in Whitchita, about an hour away. He does nothing but work and has time to spare. There is no hint of anything romantic or sexual between the two. Literally, you only need someone else in her life. Pop, as we learn, is a contractor for building houses dedicated to his wife Jenny (Rachel Bay Jones), for good and sad reasons. They really love each other, but they gave birth to a child, born with a birth condition, lost in 21 months. The sadness, which never disappeared as much as they gently suffocated. (Jani turned scrapboing into her life.) So Pob needs someone as well.

“Bob Trevino Leves It” seems like a fictional story of social media, but it is not. Based on the film writer, Tracie Laymon, based on her own experience, we all know that many people meet online in the largest number of ways. This is not a big problem. What matters, in a movie like this film, is that we believe in what is happening between the characters – who are the ways they call, and how their relationship develops. Is it the glorious Pablum Sitcom Buddy-Bonding Pablum, or is it real? It turns out that “Bob Trevino” is a kind of “Marty” for the Internet, where the two main actors are beautifully overlapping.

I started as a great admirer by John Leguzamo, in his early days of the individual Broadway shows (such as “Mambo Mount” and “SAIC-O-RAMA”), but in the movie that turned me first, this was not Leguizam; He played the equivalent of Ron Howard’s character in “American Walls Walls”. It was great. This is the Leguizamo that we see here. He makes Bob a quiet man from getting rid of the feeling, at the same time, is so sincere that he can only reveal himself. Leguizamo implants bob with an impressive tenderness. One of the many terrible stories of a night childhood related to a dog that was transferred from her, and when Bob brings her to a pound and invites her to the cradle of the dog that could have been that dog, you know that you are watching a scene of four Hanki, but the movie earns it; And if that does not reach you, it is possible that you will be the type that will take a dog from a child.

Bob is attracted to Laila because she clearly escaped; He cannot help her. She wanders him – for his bad jokes, and for the really usual basketball. He tells her that “we are all a bit broken,” and they are waiting for the camp site to see the July Nizak, which he wishes for rituals. He is right, but his real message is that you cannot leave your broken life just sitting there. You have to find and repair some tools.

“Bob Trevino loves her”, which opens today, has a trip to theaters that are somewhat symbolic. A year ago, in the 2024 version of SXSW, he won the Grand Jury Award and Audience Award in the categories of narrative features. For a small independent drama, this strikes winning the grand prize. However, we are here after a year; It took a long time to open the film on four screens in New York and Los Angeles, and although he got two stars of the name, I do not feel some of the main vision. In the nineties, he might have a movie like this opportunity to arrest him. On its small way, it is a jam. (It is three times convincing like “between temples”.)

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