Review “October 8”: A incendiary look at the anti -Semitic eruption – Blogging Sole

Upon support for one specific supporter of Israel, an American Jewish view, and independently the social documentary film “October 8”, and regrets the disturbing increase in anti-Semitism-especially on the university campus and social media-after Hamas won on October 7 in Israel, which resulted in more than 1,200 deaths and hosts 2511. , Including well -known personalities, academics, journalists, leaders of Jewish organizations and those who monitor extremism. More emotional and personal certificates come from one of the survivors of the attack, as well as from American university students who gained their general support for Israel, a flood of hate over the Internet.

The film draws information to an important issue, but viewers must realize that the perspective is unilateral. Israel’s response to the attacks was only mentioned in success and it does not seem that the people who were interviewed want to accept that a man of a man could be another fighter of freedom. However, the film deserves to be watching, if it is only to understand what is anti -Semitism, then the privileges and boundaries of freedom of expression, and why the speech against the Jews became full of hatred, and why many elite university presidents resigned or were expelled from their positions in the wake of the protests supporting the reduction of the Portichens and the current political formation of Trump for these protests.

More Jews have been killed in the Hamas massacre in one day more than any time since the Holocaust. Since the killers lived their atrocities on social media, their actions were celebrated in some circles, including in a supporter of Palestine in the Times Square in New York and on the campus of universities. Professor Cornell even spoke about the feeling of “joy and vitality” by murders. Moreover, 31 Harvard students signed a message saying that Israel is “completely responsible” for the attack.

Why did progressive universities fail to condemn the attacks and allow the demonstrations that made Jewish students and faculty members feel insecure? Sax and its interviews suggest that the young generation is often gets their information online and is affected by wrong information, as well as the sources of news controlled by hostilities. Actor Richie Torres, a democratic from New York, notes that social media platforms encourage indoctrination and that some areas create an area of ​​hostile emotional feelings, which can be expressed unknown. Meanwhile, the branches of the social justice of Palestine (SJP) arose on the campus with the points of conversation and instructions for days of resistance that encouraged violence and interrogated Israel’s right to exist.

The film claims that SJP is funded by enthusiasm associated with charities and the Muslim Brotherhood. He discusses a meeting of Hamas officials in Philadelphia in 1993, which was monitored by the FBI, where the organization submitted a request to fly what they were doing in terms of racist separation and racist repression. They knew that these terms, which are already understood in the American discourse, would attract the attention of the positive press and the general response.

The strength and importance of the media echoes throughout the film. The Israeli decision compares the call to journalists from all over the world to watch the death and destruction that Hamas causes to General Eisenhower, who brings the press to see German detention camps. An article on October 17, conducted by the New York Times, which relied only on the information brought by Hamas to announce that Israel had bombed a hospital, a prosecution was later corrected.

Actor Dibra Missing, the executive producer, expresses a surprise that more people in Hollywood did not condemn the violence directly and talk about the hostages. Actor Michael Rapoport has echoed feelings of disappointment, who finds it strange that one of the famous speakers in a rally urges to release the hostages.

Heavy with frequent information sometimes, the visual images that have been largely edited are mixed with talks with news clips, online videos and chat graphics. The disastrous orchestra result from the Sharon Farber is sometimes confirmed by the points offered.

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