“Jairo Bustamante” follows “La Llorona” with a dark fantasy – Blogging Sole

“Jairo Bustamante” follows “La Llorona” with a dark fantasy

 – Blogging Sole

A ghostly apparition demands justice in director Jairo Bustamante’s searing political horror film “La Llorona,” about the genocide of indigenous people in Guatemala. In this genre, the Central American author has found an insightful way to discuss the social and political pains of his homeland. With “Rita,” Guatemala’s entry for the International Academy Award (the … Read more

Mysterious dark side of the Moon once hosted erupting volcanoes, confirms lunar soil recovered by Chinese spacecraft Blogging Sole

Volcanoes erupted on the mysterious far side of the Moon billions of years ago, just like on the side we can see, new research confirms. Researchers analyzed lunar soil reported by The Chinese Chang’e-6the first spacecraft to return with a transport of rocks and dirt from the little-explored dark side. Two separate teams discovered fragments … Read more