Rare hoard of ancient coins discovered in Israel: “Archaeological miracle of Hanukkah” Blogging Sole

Rare hoard of ancient coins discovered in Israel: “Archaeological miracle of Hanukkah”

 Blogging Sole

A rare collection of ancient coins was discovered last week by Israeli researchers, who called the discovery a “Hanukkah archaeological miracle.” The coins are more than 2,000 years old and believed to belong to King Alexander Janneus, the second ruler of the Hasmonean dynasty that presided over Judea in the final centuries before the Common … Read more

Hoard of Roman coins discovered during construction in UK Blogging Sole

A hoard of Roman coins worth more than $125,000 has been discovered during a construction project in central England. The hoard of gold and silver coins dates back to the reign of Emperor Nero of Rome, according to Worcestershire Museumswhich raises funds to bid on the coins and keep them in the county where they … Read more