A timely tale of an oppressed young Indigenous woman who is stymied by her performance – Blogging Sole

A timely tale of an oppressed young Indigenous woman who is stymied by her performance

 – Blogging Sole

When Oscar Katakura’s “WiƱaypacha” (“Immortality”) was released in 2017, it was the first feature film to be made entirely in Aymara, the language of the Aymara people in the Andean region. A poetic exploration of a changing world grounded in the beautiful views of that often inhospitable landscape, heralded the young Peruvian writer-director (barely 30 … Read more

A timely and decisive electoral document – Blogging Sole

A timely and decisive electoral document

 – Blogging Sole

As Democratic voters lick their wounds after a crushing defeat in the recent presidential election, a film like American Pastoral is unlikely to bring much solace, but it does offer a useful, thumbnail glimpse of the obstacles they’ve always faced. Meticulously tracing the course of school board elections in the small, largely conservative district of … Read more